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How to Stay Motivated as a Student: Checking in on Your Well-Being
Are you having trouble feeling motivated enough to finish out the school year? If so, you may need to examine your overall well-being. Here’s how to do a mid-semester wellness check-in:  

Wellness for Students

Wellness is not taught to students, so many times we feel like we are only surviving from semester to semester. Society’s constant need to work is causing ‘getting by’ day after day to become a dangerous norm. According to the BBC, overworking is actually killing people. It has become the largest occupational killer. Overworking causes a fight or flight response in the human nervous system.  We must stop these bad habits as students, to prevent ourselves from becoming victims to this socially acceptable way to die. Therefore, thriving must be our goal because surviving is no longer enough. As students, we must look at ourselves as whole beings and not just as work machines. A focus on wellness is the way to do this.  Understanding wellness also gets us away from the toxic side of self-love culture. It is a holistic approach that allows us to look inwardly and outwardly at ourselves. To get started on a wellness check-in there are four questions that I like to ask myself:
  1. How am I doing physically? 
  2. How am I doing socially?
  3. How am I doing emotionally? 
The answer to these questions will add up to give us an answer for how we are doing with our overall well-being. This may help in decerning what is the root of the motivation struggle.   


Physical wellness is ensuring that the best decisions are being made when it comes to taking care of our bodies. Most people choose one or two parts of their physical well-being to focus on and overlook the rest. Neglecting one of them will most likely harm the effects of another. Physical Wellness includes (but is not limited to): 
  • Nutrition
  • Physical activity 
  • Sleep
  • Skincare 
  • Haircare
  • Water intake 
  • Blue light screen time


UC Davis has a helpful guide to social wellness. Social wellness is cultivating meaningful relationships with proper boundaries and trust. As well as,  showing respect to everyone in your life. Social wellness includes (but is not limited to):
  • Proper Boundaries
  • Cultivating healthy relationships
  • Participating regularly in social interactions
  • Trying new activities
  • Meeting new people
  • Knowing and using your support system


How well we are able to handle feelings and emotions while adapting to changes and stresses in life is the core of emotional wellness according to the National Institutes of Health. College is a time of transitions and unknowns, so stress, anxiety, and depression are issues for college students. This is especially true after the pandemic. PBS News reported that 1 in 4 college students have considered suicide. Taking care of our emotional health is what we must do to continue living. Emotional Wellness includes (but is not limited to): 
  • Stress levels 
  • Happiness 
  • Coping with change
  • Acceptance of emotions
  • How you treat others 
  • The perspective you have of yourself
  • Managing difficult emotions
  • Having a purpose in life
  • Positive/negative self-talk
  • Gratitude 
  • Having a safe space to process
  • Getting professional help for mental illnesses
  In school, we will not be successful when these areas are off. If physical wellbeing is neglected then our brain has less capacity to process information. Our self-esteem plummets when our social lives are not healthily maintained. In addition, we will not have the necessary social skills to succeed in our professional life. Our emotional health can often be the foundation of our well-being, as unaddressed mental struggles can affect our functioning in life. So, as students, we need to check in with ourselves and make sure that we are wholistically doing well. If we are not, there are steps that we can take to get better. Stay on the lookout for more blogs discussing how to improve in each of these areas.     ~ Victorie Norman | WTA Communications Director
Staying Competitive in COVID – How MBA students can keep up with jobs during COVID
Reading Time: 5 minutes     There is no doubt that COVID-19 has had a drastic impact on the job market. In fact, the Economic Policy Institute has already stated that the impact will continue to be most noticeable in the leisure and hospitality, social spending, manufacturing, and education and health services sectors, with the private sector taking the biggest hit.    As we face this general econ economic downturn, many will be faced with the J-O-B question – that is, how will they apply for a job like they had previously planned, and how will they stay competitive when doing so, in light of COVID-19?   According to the Economic Policy Institute, the first thing to note is the change in ongoing MBA programs. Business schools have moved to online instruction, shut down global and on-campus events, and taken a hiatus on MBA admissions events everywhere. This will likely set back future applicants, while also posing challenges to current MBA students as they struggle to capitalize on their education which has taken such a drastic change. It is also inevitable that alongside MBA admissions activities, the MBA job market, which was once overflowing with opportunities, will face a harsh downturn, as jobs in general are put on hold in favor of quarantine.    This does not mean the job hunt must come to a grinding halt for MBA students. Here are Write Track Admissions’ top things to do in quarantine to help you remain competitive in the job market:   

1. Be resourceful. There are still job opportunities that you may not think exist. Here are just some of the sectors that are actively hiring: The Government, Medical Device Companies, Essential Retailers (i.e. pharmacies, grocery stores), Delivery Service Providers, Online Health Services. There is also a comprehensive list of start-ups hiring And here are just some of the larger companies that are actively recruiting:


2. Ask for informational interviews via Zoom or Google Hangouts, or a different video/calling platform. Even if a company is not hiring, you can still get your name on their radar by conducting an informational interview from home. If you want to learn more about how to get your foot in the door, check out Write Track’s recent Linkedin Live on How to Stand Out and Get Hired in the Corona Economy!


3. Apply for funding. If you’re worried about continuing to fund your MBA career and subsequent job search period, apply for industry specific funds or lower-tier fellowships.


4. Take some time to sit back and plan. If you can enter into your job search with a clear path, it will set you out as having forethought and staying active while facing a challenge (aka a global pandemic).


5. Be innovative and entrepreneurial, and try to address a need that will likely continue well after this crisis. After all, these companies did just that in the last economic crisis and now many are helping us weather this current one:

  If you are still feeling unsure of how to navigate the MBA job market due to the effects of COVID-19, contact Write Track Admissions for help!   Aly Hartman,  Communications DirectorWrite Track Admissions
The Pros and Cons of Online Education
Read Time: 5 minutes   COVID-19 has raised many questions – especially for students. As learning institutions across the world shift to online education platforms, you may be wondering “Why aren’t all classes online?” Almost three million students attend their higher education classes online, and at least six million take one or more of their degree-required classes online at some point in their academic careers. They do so for various reasons – cost effectiveness and flexibility among the top proponents of what’s really drawing millions of students to pursue online degrees. And now, as students around the globe are gearing up to get a taste of online education due to the pandemic, we at Write Track Admissions have put together a list of the benefits and drawbacks of online education.     PRO: Cost Savings   Online schools tend to be cheaper, primarily due to the elimination of the cost of living on campus at a brick and mortar university. Though some online schools have higher per-unit costs, these are typically offset by the decrease in living costs.    CON: Lack of interaction    One of the most profound and understated benefits of attending face-to-face classes is the social development that goes alongside it. Learning with others helps you acquire key social skills (patience, compassion, adaptability, teamwork), develop or test out your emotional intelligence, and build a strong network that you will carry with you for the rest of your life.    PRO: Flexibility & Applicability   Taking an online class gives you control and flexibility – something that you likely won’t find much of at a traditional university. Students are able to plan your schooling around the rest of your day, giving you greater freedom to pursue your passions. Moreover you can listen, re-listen, engage with and learn both from a visual and an auditory perspective.    Online learning has also been known to better meet the needs of students with learning challenges including ADHD/ADD. First and foremost it removes the in-person classroom stigma and instead provides an environment that is more comfortable, thus promoting a more positive learning experience. It also eases coping with distractions or problematic social situations as students who are struggling can take a break and learn at their own pace with more sustained and repetitious exposure to the material.    CON: Lack of Learning Environment   The exceptions to the joys of flexibility are traditional schools that have simply moved their classes online. You still have to attend class during its designated time, albeit via video conference, which undoubtedly opens the door to a lack of focused learning environment. Some students need the structure and accountability of in-person classes to help them learn and thrive.    PRO: Improved Technical Skills   Teachers and students alike are forced to become best friends with their computers/electronic devices in order to properly attend online classes. Programs like Blackboard and Canvas are the Learning Management Systems (LMS) of choice and they have many great technical features to help you absorb, interact, and learn in ways you never thought possible before. These technical skills will serve you as you enter a workforce that is becoming increasingly reliant on technology. The more computer programs you are familiar with, the better!   CON: Technical Difficulties & Accessibility   Online learning will likely pose a host of technical difficulty as generational differences and incompatibility between Mac and PC operating systems collide, as well as the sheer number of low income students who simply do not have access to proper computers and reliable internet. Indeed, internet accessibility has posed a major concern for students who relied on brick and mortar institutions for that necessity.   If you are struggling with imposed shifts to online class due to COVID-19, or need help deciding whether or not to pursue your degree online, contact Write Track Admissions!   Aly Hartman,  Communications DirectorWrite Track Admissions  
Online vs. In-Person: Should you do an Online MBA (COVID), or just defer all together?
Reading Time: 5 minutes   There are two clear paths (below) that have emerged in light of COVID-19 for those planning to pursue their MBA for Fall 2020. Whatever path you choose, remember there are definitely advantages to entering an MBA program in 2020. Historically, recessions have seen an increase in higher education enrollment. This is largely due to students wanting to be prepared to re-enter the workforce as the economy opens back up again following a financial crisis such as the COVID-19 one (you can find out more about how to get ahead of the job market with an MBA from our recent blog post).    
  • Pursue the traditional, brick and mortar degree as scheduled, and run the risk of it being partially online due to the pandemic extending into the next school year
  The obvious factors here are cost and quality. Many students choose to study in a classroom rather than online to reap the benefits of engaging with diverse and accomplished colleagues, joining student clubs, building networks, and experiencing the campus environment of their chosen university. Applying to a brick and mortar program right now leaves you at risk of missing out on these benefits for at least part of the degree, as virus concerns are still running rampant and many programs have yet to decide whether or not they will extend their online curriculum into the next school year. However, it is important to note that many top universities like Harvard and NYU are currently facing petitions from their students asking for decreased tuition rates – and have yet to come to a decision on whether or not they will be offering their online classes for a decreased rate. Be sure you are keeping up to date with news surrounding this decision for your institutions of interest, as it could end up working in your favor financially.     
  • Defer for a year until the future of your program is more set in stone
  Deferring for a year will give you some much-needed clarity and certainty. Since virtually all campuses are closed indefinitely, there is no way to truly know where you will be at the start of the next school year. Taking a gap year before tackling your MBA might be best if you need the time to solidify aspects of your personal life – money, family, health, career, etc. It can also give you more time to perfect your application.    For those applying for Fall 2021, there is less worry that the pandemic will be disruptive to their academic careers. However, you never know what may happen and it may be worth looking into online MBA degrees. Pursuing your MBA online entirely is better for students’ pockets, as online degrees tend to be far less expensive. Furthermore, an online MBA offers more flexibility, which is desirable for some during these uncertain times.    At the end of the day, whichever path you take is up to you – do some soul searching and discover which option best meets your personal goals and needs. If you need some guidance on this matter, contact for help.    Aly Hartman Communications DirectorWrite Track Admissions  
MBA and COVID-19: Everything you need to know about how the pandemic will affect you
READ TIME: 5 minutes With top MBA programs at Harvard, Stanford, Northwestern, and Columbia (amongst others) moving their classes online indefinitely, it is no wonder applicants are questioning whether or not they should be shelling out for an MBA from a prestigious program when they could get what is to be considered the same education from a B-level school at a lower cost.    First things first, the reality is online classes do not have much bearing on the prestige of the program as all programs are in the same boat at the moment. That being said, do not let the national pandemic deter you from applying to top MBA programs.    In 2009, during the last economic crisis, GMAC reported that there was a surge in GMAT exams with the attendant increase in MBA applications:    Indeed, if conventional wisdom holds, applications increase in economic downturns when it becomes harder to find a job, maintain employment, or receive a promotion, leading professionals to apply to business school. The idea is MBA applicant would sit out the recession and then hit the ground running on the next economic upswing as freshly minted MBA graduates who have sufficiently upskilled, networked, and pivoted into a new role/industry/market.    To this point, GMAC conducted critical research and found that despite the recession, there will likely be an uptake in applications to MBA programs, and as such, programs will become more diverse, with one-year programs taking the cake and seeing a rise in popularity.    Further, it is critical now more than ever to future-proof your career by gaining the skills necessary to ensure your job position is essential. With the new hard and soft skills gained, the economic downturn will likely see businesses relying more heavily on MBA students to fill their ranks in an attempt to re-energize their companies and help with their digital transformations to withstand future economic swings that may impact how business is traditionally conducted.    For those applying, it would seem like the biggest impact of COVID-19 would be on testing. However, with the recent move to an online format for the GMAT, the closure of testing sites will be of little consequence for those already planning to take their GMAT online. Beginning in April, students will be able to take the GMAT online from home. For those anticipating taking the GMAT at a testing site, you will have to closely monitor the status of your local testing center in order to determine whether or not you can take the test in-person. Though note: many top MBA programs are going TEST OPTIONAL, so make sure to look into to avoid even having to take the GRE/GMAT!   More importantly for those applying will be the changes in MBA admissions deadlines. The onslaught of COVID-19 has rendered the traditional MBA admissions rounds relatively obsolete as schools around the U.S. continue to push back their deadlines and add additional admissions rounds. This has created an MBA admissions cycle entirely unique to COVID-19.    Now more than ever it is important to ensure your MBA application is as robust as it can be if you are intending to apply during one of the upcoming admissions cycles. Check out our blog piece on how to craft an MBA application that stands out from the crowd.    If you are still overwhelmed with all the changes and complications COVID-19 is bringing to the MBA world, contact for help.    Aly Hartman,  Communications DirectorWrite Track Admissions
Effects of COVID-19 on Your Law School Competitiveness
Reading time: 5 minutes Undertaking a series of extracurricular activities and even work experience contributes positively to a law school applicant’s likelihood of admittance. Yet, in light of the COVID-19 quarantine, the list of viable in-person extracurriculars seems to have dwindled. However, there are still a number of activities law school hopefuls can partake in to bolster up their application and set themselves apart from the competition.  
  • First and foremost, Law School officiates are looking to their law students to take advantage of their extra time. Their recommendation? Make up for the lost opportunities and instead focus more intensely on coursework. Dedicating some of your downtime to really getting a handle on the material can work to your advantage, since the topics may also correspond to your extracurricular pursuits that have been put on hold. If you can demonstrate academic proficiency in these classroom topics, it will spur you forward when the time comes to pursue it outside of your in-home classroom.
  • Thinking outside of the box is your biggest asset in this situation. Participating in online forms of mock trial, debate systems, or pre-law societies are definitely a plus. Check out UCLA’s Transfer Pre-Law Society who is super active during this time, inviting speakers remotely and staying connected to their community. However, do not discredit options that are off the beaten path. Thinking about how you can demonstrate your leadership experience, application of critical thinking, and overall depth (not breadth) of community contribution can also bolster your law school application. Such examples include volunteering to help the elderly during the crisis through phone banking and organizing or creating an online support community for your peers.    
  • Another starting point for activities that can help with bolstering your application would be remote campaign work during this downtime. Getting involved in a political organization (especially with the run-up to the November general elections) remotely is a great step to take, as it will show law schools that you are socially conscientious and in touch with your beliefs. However, when it comes time to discuss your role, the focus should be on the experience you’ve gained, and not drift to a manifesto of your political affiliations. You never know who is going to come across your application or your political history, and when applying to law school it is imperative that you successfully toe the line of polite discussion of your political affiliation. 
  A quick note for those readers who are already in law school:  Stanford Law School, Harvard Law School, the University of Michigan Law School, the University of California, Berkeley School of Law, and Cornell Law School amongst others have adopted a pass/fail system as a response to the COVID crisis. This is leaving students to question the implications of this change on future employment opportunities, which are privy to a student’s grades and class rank. It is likely that hiring decisions will be made off of whatever grades law students had pre-pandemic as well as their other extracurricular activities, i.e. clinics, journals, student organizations etc. So it is critical to always be mindful of how to bolster your profile in addition to academic record in the coming months ahead.    If you are still feeling unsure of how to utilize your time during quarantine to bolster your law school application, or are worried about your law employment opportunities, contact Write Track Admissions for help! Also check out our latest YouTube Video on COVID and Law School Admissions.   Aly Hartman,  Communications DirectorWrite Track Admissions  
Should I be deferring my acceptance?
There are plenty of reasons to want to defer your acceptance to a college, law school, or an MBA program, especially with the projected lasting effects of COVID-19. Perhaps your health or the health of a loved one depends on it. Maybe you did not receive enough scholarship funding and need the extra time to bolster your bank account. A career opportunity could arise that you need to undertake in order to become a better student or professional. Most of all, you might be experiencing extenuating circumstances due to COVID-19   Universities typically grant deferment on a case-by-case basis. For example at the University of Utah, such circumstances include illness, military/humanitarian/religious service, and financial restrictions.    The Deferment Process works as follows: You receive your acceptance, pay your enrollment deposit, get in contact with the admissions office regarding deferring, gather supporting evidence, and receive the university’s decision after everything has been submitted. If you are granted a deferral, you must follow the university’s requirements   Deferring for a year is not uncommon, and there are definitely some ways of going about it that are better than others. Write Track Admissions has compiled some tips to help you successfully defer your acceptance with minimal consequence.   

1.Before deciding whether or not deferring is right for you, it is imperative that you explore all facets of your university’s deferring policies, such as:

    1. Is there a deadline for requesting deferment?
    2. What documentation do you need for your request?
    3. Do you need to document how you plan to spend your deferred time?
    4. What will you need to re-enter the program? 
    5. Are there re-entry deadlines? 
    6. How will the deferral affect your financial aid when you re-enter?

2. Timing is critical – write and send your letter of continued interest (LOCI) as soon as possible after receiving your acceptance letter and mention in the letter your request for deferment. Don’t wait until the last minute for this as there may only be a finite number of deferrals granted by the institution/program.


3. Craft the deferring essay with precision and care. It should include the following points (you may be asked for substantiating documentation for your deferral request): 

    1. Why you are seeking to defer
    2. Why you need to defer for the year (health, finances, career, COVID-19, etc.)
    3. What you will be doing during the deferred academic year
    4. How your deferrence will help you become a better student/candidate
    5. How the school/program will remain integral for your career and future

4. Uphold professional writing standards. Be concise, specific, and ensure that you address the “Why.” Prioritize quality over quantity, and stay away from composing a winded and emotional rendition awash with “Woe is me.” Be practical and calculated.


5. It is recommended that you try and visit the institution you are trying to defer, but due to the quarantine regulations, you can opt for a phone call or video conference. Adding this personal interaction to your deferment can help paint you in a better light to the one reviewing your request. You can also mention the discussion in your letter that will go to the program for review. You can also have a candid discussion about deferment with the name of the person on your admittance letter


6. You should have a Plan B in case the deferment is not granted. You may first try to appeal the decision but if that is not granted then you will have to make a judgment as to whether you attend despite why you sought the deferment or opt to let the acceptance lapse and reapply as a new candidate the following year. 

  Deferring for a year is not the end of the world. In fact, according to the Gap Year Association, admissions departments anticipate and prepare for deferment every admissions cycle. The most important thing to do is tackle it in a professional and timely manner. And if you choose a Gap year make sure it is worthwhile so that you can come back even more prepared to excel as a student. In fact, we created a blog piece on how to best leverage your gap year to help guide you in your decision.    If you need help deciding if deferring is right for you, or if you plan on deferring and would like help crafting your statement, contact Write Track Admissions for help!   Aly Hartman,  Communications Director – Write Track Admissions